Wednesday 10 September 2008

Classical review: Saint Francis of Assisi

First performed in 1983, Saint Francis of Assisi is Messiaen's only opera house. One of the lofty achievements of late 20th century music, it is also among the most paradoxical. It is profoundly Christian and deeply, statically religious, though no other opera written in the last 100 quite so overtly returns the course to its origins in concepts of ritual theatre. The libretto, Messiaen's own, consists of eight severe meditations on the saint's life, in time the scotch is sensuous and at times overpoweringly physical. Messiaen's abiding vision of the manifestation of the divine in the material universe of discourse reaches its fullest expression in his portrait of Francis, wHO preached to the birds, heard the voice of God in music, and finally received Christ's stigmata in his own flesh.

The Proms performance was based circle Pierre Audi's recent production for Netherlands Opera, stagily reduced to the starkest of semi-stagings, and musically so fine as most to defy description. The conductor was Ingo Metzmacher, the orchestra the Hague Philharmonic. The quintessential Meztmacher combination of rigorous precision and in-your-face emotion is ideally suitable to the work, and this ranks, without doubt, among his finest achievements.

The orchestra, drilled to absolute ne plus ultra, played as if their lives depended on it, while the choral singing was superb in its intensity. The cast tellingly emphasised the physicality as well as the spirituality of Messiaen's vision. Heartthrob baritone Rod Gilfry played Francis as a magnetic visionary beguiled by the glory of creation, nevertheless fearful of both its imperfections and its transiency. The Angel, who teases, consoles and ultimately guides him was sensually sung dynasty by Mozart diva Heidi Grant-Murphy. A stupendous eve, and one of the great operatic achievements of recent years.

The Proms continue until Saturday. Details:

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Sunday 31 August 2008

Reading 2008 review: Bloc Party

Name: Bloc Party

Where and when: Main stage, 8.15pm, Saturday, Reading,

Dress computer code: Non-branded casual wear, denim cut-offs and tweed shirts.

Who's observation: A bold coalesce, but chiefly the youth.

In a nutshell: Thanks to their 9/10 performance at Reading 2007 Bloc Party have been promoted up a one-armed bandit, from last year's later afternoon to this year's early evening. The benefit being that performing after sunset gives them the opportunity to use a very impressive, and probably quite expensive light render, which comes alive during a reworking of Prince's I Would Die for You bleeding into their single Flux. Prior to that, latest single Mercury (with support vocals from new bassist Daniel Lindegren) kicks off the band's first performance since the rush liberation of their third album Intimacy. The new caterpillar track One Month Off too features, just it's the oldies that guarantee the biggest roar - Banquet, The Prayer and Helicopter. The band have never hidden their love for Reading, where singer Kele Okereke and guitarist Russell Lissack first met many years agone, and play with the glow of a band who are performing at their spiritual home.

High point: Helicopter, the penultimate track before She's Hearing Voices, elicits the best response.

Low point: Inconsistent sound levels that crataegus laevigata or english hawthorn not be the defect of high winds, which bring Okereke's vocals to the prow at the expense of the intimately inaudible drums.

How unvoiced did they rock? For a band whose latest record album is called Intimacy, their sound and performance is pretty exacting stuff.

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Thursday 21 August 2008

U2 reissues 1983 live album, DVD

U2 [ ] testament release iI live 1983 recordings Sept. 30: "Live at Red Rocks," which will be available for the low gear time on DVD, and the remastered live record album, "Under a Blood Red Sky," which was recorded during the band's "War" tour.

"Live at Red Rocks," the band's first concert video, will include five-spot previously unreleased songs, a director's comment, digitally re-graded pictures and a 5.1 mix, according to a push release.


A deluxe version featuring the "Live at Red Rocks" DVD and the "Under a Blood Red Sky" CD will be available. The set as well will be available as single saucer formats of the DVD and CD. An vinyl version of "Under a Blood Red Sky," as well will be available.

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Monday 11 August 2008

Diagnostic Evaluation Of Urinary Incontinence In Women

� - The incontinent patient is evaluated in order to make a presumptive diagnosing so that treatment can be offered. The evaluation begins with a history and a physical examination. The history focuses on the description of the patient's incontinence.

Although the history may define the patient's job it crataegus laevigata be shoddy. Urge incontinency may be triggered by activities such as coughing so that by history the patient would seem to get stress incontinence. A patient who only when complains of urge may also hold stress dissoluteness. Mixed self-gratification is very common with at least 65% of patients with stress self-gratification having associated urgency or urge incontinency. It crataegus laevigata be impossible to find out by history alone which is the more significant problem. Assessing the patient's bother and determining their expectations of treatment english hawthorn further guide how aggressive one needs to be both with the rating and the presentation of treatment options.

The of import parts of the physical exam ar an scrutiny of the abdomen and pelvis including a provocative stress screen. If the test is done resupine and thither is no leakage it should be repeated standing, as this will addition the patient's abdominal pressure. A uranalysis and a post-void rest (PVR) should be performed in all incontinent patients.

Incontinence questionnaires, voiding diaries, and tablet weight tests can provide more objective data than the history alone. Upper tract imaging is indicated in the patient with a history of hematuria and in patients with suspected hydroureteronephrosis. Other mental imagery may be useful to further assess other suspected pelvic pathology. Urodynamics ar performed to determine if the incontinency is due to bladder or urethral dysfunction or both, to assess if the patient has a storage or emptying job and lastly in an effort to identify patients whose upper tracts are at risk due to high vesica storage pressures.

The most common mental defectiveness of bladder function is detrusor over activity that causes urge incontinence. Detrusor over activity is defined as the inability to suppress nonvoluntary detrusor contractions during filling.1 A cystometrogram may fail to demonstrate whatever detrusor over activity in a patient who has urge incontinence by history. Any patients with symptoms of exhort incontinence by history should be presumed to have urge incontinency. The purpose of urodynamics is non to diagnose detrusor over activity simply to prove compliance, to diagnose stress incontinence, to rule extinct obstruction as a causal agent of either overflow or urge dissoluteness and to insure that the patient has a reasonable, safe, bladder capacity.

The diagnosing of stress incontinence is best made with measurement of the abdominal atmospheric pressure required to induce urinary loss, the Valsalva or abdominal news leak point pressure level and, or fluoroscopy. Stress incontinence is diagnosed if there is urethral loss of piss associated with an eL of abdominal pressure. Valsalva leak point pressure (VLPP) is secondhand to diagnose stress incontinency since it is ab pressure that is the expulsive force in stress incontinence. Measurement of the VLPP allows for quantification of the degree of urethral dysfunction. A normal urethra testament not leak at whatever pressure. A mobile urethra will leak at high abdominal pressures (>120 cm H2O) and a indisposed functioning intrinsic sphincter will leak at low pressures (

A pressure flow test is indicated in the patient in whom obstruction is suspected. Such patients would let in the patient who has had a prior procedure for stress incontinence, the patient with a turgid post evacuate residual or the patient role with pregnant prolapse and obstructive or irritative symptoms. No universally accepted definition of bladder outlet blockage in women exists. Usually bladder release obstruction is defined as high pressure-low flow. However since some women normally void with very low-pitched detrusor pressures it is difficult to define a high detrusor pressure in women. In patients with emptying problems or suspected neurogenic dysfunction an EMG may be indicated. Cystoscopy is indicated in the work up of some incontinent patients.

The valuation of the incontinent affected role consists of a history, a physical, urinalysis and a postvoid residual. Optional evaluative tests consist of a variety of urodynamic tests, tomography studies and cystoscopy.


1. International Continence Society Committee on Standardization of Terminology of lour urinary tract function. Neurourol. Urodyn., 7; 1988, 403.

2. McGuire, E.J., Fitzpatrick, C.C., Wan, I., Bloom, D., Sanvordenker, J., Ritchey M., and Gormley, E.A., J Urol, Clinical assessment of urethral anatomical sphincter function. one hundred fifty: 1993, 1452.

Presented by: E. Ann Gormley, MD, FACS, at the Masters in Urology Meeting - July 31, 2008 - August 2, 2008, Elbow Beach Resort, Bermuda

UroToday - the alone urology web site with original content written by globular urology headstone opinion leadership actively engaged in clinical practice.

To access the latest urology news releases from UroToday, go to:

Copyright � 2008 - UroToday

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Wednesday 6 August 2008

Evan Parker and Keith Rowe

Evan Parker and Keith Rowe   
Artist: Evan Parker and Keith Rowe



Dark Rags   
 Dark Rags

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 2


Tuesday 24 June 2008

Way Out West

Way Out West   
Artist: Way Out West



The Fall WEB   
 The Fall WEB

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 1

Dont Forget Me   
 Dont Forget Me

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 8


   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 1

Don't Look Now   
 Don't Look Now

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 12

Anything But You CDM   
 Anything But You CDM

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 1

Way Out West   
 Way Out West

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 10


   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 12

Conspicuous from the rest of Bristol's electronica prospect by the absence of trip-hop or jungle leanings in their productions, Way Out West have rather chased straightahead house and trance with closer ties to progressive British dancefloors than American hip-hop. The dyad of Jody Wisternoff and Nick Warren first came together in the mid-'90s; Wisternoff was a veteran producer wHO had number one recorded at the historic period of 14 (with beau Bristolian house artists Smith & Mighty) spell Warren was a high profile Balearic DJ and clubnight-promoter influenced by the sounds of Madchester. The dyad began recording, and by 1996 their undivided "The Gift" had get a big mover on dancefloors and the tuner as well, thanks to a British give ear which put-upon the song. Signed to Deconstruction, Way Out West released their self-titled debut album in 1997. A change of venue, to Distinct'ive, preceded the release of 2001's Intensify, and afterwards a three-year meanwhile the duet followed with the similar-sounding Don't Look Now. Warren, world Health Organization spent time as the resident DJ at super-club Cream, has released several compilations detailing his commixture skills.

Jim O'rourke

Sunday 15 June 2008

Nocte Obducta

Nocte Obducta   
Artist: Nocte Obducta

Metal: Death,Black


Galgendammerung - Von Nebel, Blut und Totgeburten   
 Galgendammerung - Von Nebel, Blut und Totgeburten

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 9


   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 9


Wednesday 4 June 2008

Art Basel _ world's largest art fair _ opens in Switzerland

BASEL, Switzerland —

The largest international contemporary art fair opened Wednesday, closely watched for trends in the world market at a time of financial turbulence.

About 60,000 artists, collectors, galleries and art enthusiasts are expected to attend the annual four-day Art Basel fair, with the moneyed set coming to Basel in private jets.

Record prices at recent auctions indicate the market is still resilient despite the credit crunch stemming from the subprime crisis.

More than 300 of the world's leading galleries are presenting works from over 2,000 artists from all five continents, stressing that globalization has also now extended to art - a work by Nigerian artist Yinka Shonibare shows a woman dancing on the globe.

Prices range from millions of dollars for works of established artists to thousands of dollars for newcomers to the art market.

On view are all forms of artistic expression, ranging from paintings, drawings and sculptures to installations, performances and video art. Big names include several who fetched new record prices at a Sotheby's auction in New York last month, when a triptych by Francis Bacon sold for $86.3 million, becoming the most expensive work of contemporary art ever auctioned.

Record prices were also registered there for various other artists on display at Art Basel, including Japan's star Murakami Takashi, Robert Rauschenberg and Tom Wesselman.

Works by Cai Guo-Qiang, the Chinese favorite of Western collectors, are also on view. His series of gun powder drawings was bought for $8.5 million at Christie's in Hong Kong late last year.

Even as the fair opened, the Allianz Suisse insurance company said the demand for coverage to protect private collections has grown 30 percent since the February robbery of four impressionist paintings worth $163 million from a Zurich museum.

"Despite the financial market crisis and high energy prices, the art market is still booming - as is the market for private art insurance," the company said.

The company's art expert, Oliver Class, said Allianz had already reached its sales goal for the full year. Allianz Suisse also said it now is insuring collections for more than $624 million, up from about $240 million three years ago, and that it expects its business to double in the next three years.

Two of the paintings taken in the robbery, by Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh, were recovered a few days after the robbery. The other two- by Paul Cezanne and Edgar Degas - remain missing.

A parallel "Art Unlimited" exhibition features works by 60 artists from 23 countries. It spotlights completely unconventional art, some works created especially for the occasion, such as a dollar-covered wallpaper installation by American artist Tony Oursler.

The Art Basel newspaper reported that when he crossed the nearby German-Swiss border, German customs officers discovered more than 1,000 dollar bills stuffed in his bag. The daily said the officers counted every note to make sure that the booty did not exceed Germany's legal export limit of $10,000.

See Also

Thursday 29 May 2008

Britney Spears' car is impounded

Pop singer Britney Spears has had her car impounded after abandoning it in the middle of the road.
According to People magazine, the singer left her white Mercedes on a road in Brentwood, California, after she got a flat tire.
Lt David Grimes of the Los Angeles Police Department, West LA, said: "Ms Spears's car was impounded.
"Officers on the scene told me it was blocking the roadway, and that it was unsafe enough to leave at the location."
"It was towed by a private company that's contracted with the city. Her car is being held at the official police garage tow yard."
Grimes also said: "There's not a hold on the vehicle. She just needs to show up to obtain it. She'll have to pay tow fees, and that total cost depends on how many days she leaves it there. But she won't get any citations or fines."
Spears reportedly accepted a lift from a paparazzo who was trailing her after she decided to abandon her car.

Monday 26 May 2008

Grey's star Jeffrey Dean Morgan engaged?

'Grey's Anatomy' and 'PS, I Love You' star Jeffrey Dean Morgan is reportedly set to marry 'Weeds' actress Mary-Louise Parker.
According to the New York Daily News, the couple, who play a husband and wife on the television show 'Weeds', have recently told their friends that they are engaged.
The pair reportedly split last June after enjoying a short romance together but attended the US premiere of 'PS, I Love You' together in December, holding hands on the red carpet.
Neither the couple nor their representatives have commented on the recent engagement reports.

The Bill star Stewart says he is recovering

'The Bill' star Jeff Stewart said today that he is recovering, following media reports that he harmed himself after his contract with the show was not renewed.
The 52-year-old actor, who plays PC Reg Hollis in the ITV drama, has issued a statement asking the media to respect his privacy.
Stewart said in the statement: "The last few days have been very difficult for me, but I am receiving the right care and help, and am surrounded by family and friends."
"I want to confirm that I do not have any financial concerns, or indeed any other problems, as has been reported."
He also said: "I love being an actor. My work as an actor is very important to me - it's my life, and the thought of this suddenly changing had an extremely serious effect on me."
"I am feeling much better now, and am progressively improving."
Stewart has played PC Hollis since the show's launch in 1984.

Potter star Watson parties with Borrell

'Harry Potter' star Emma Watson has been spotted partying with Razorlight frontman Johnny Borrell in London.
They met at the Vanity Fair And Burberry Portraits party at the National Gallery. And despite a 10-year age gap, the 17-year-old actress reportedly seemed enthralled.
"Emma had gone over to speak to Pixie Geldof, who was chatting to Johnny at the time. Emma and Johnny immediately hit it off," an onlooker told the Daily Telegraph.
"It was clear they had loads to talk about - even if they don't look like they have much in common."
According to the Daily Star, Borrell, 27, didn't realise who Watson was until they left the party and fans started calling her name.
The unlikely pair then reportedly hopped into a cab to another fashion party and from there, they are believed to have gone on to a private event at the Dorchester Hotel.

Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra at Auckland Town Hall

The first few seconds of Gareth Farr's song-cycle Ex Stasis, the major work of his residency with the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, suggested exotic climes were imminent - and it was a promise well kept.Paul Horan's allegory of an aviatrix who lands on a Pacific Island proved to be a rich blueprint for a possible opera, from its island-style Pinteresque dialogue between George Henare and Mere Boynton to some glorious aria opportunities for Deborah Wai Kapohe.Indeed, listening to the minimalist sheen behind Wai Kapohe's first appearance, gorgeously spun by the orchestra, one could well imagine the soprano playing the role in the most soignee of flying costumes.Horan's lyrics thoughtfully investigate what happens when cultures and personalities are thrown together; and Farr is the perfect musical partner all the way.This composer knows how to reconcile detail with a formally convincing structure and never errs in finding the right colours, especially in the wash of harp and keyboards during that gripping arioso in which the outstanding James Egglestone lays out the guilt and regrets of a colonial Governor.

The other singers, struggling at times to compete with the orchestra, were variable. Henare, the seasoned actor, was the most convincing.Wai Kapohe was too often burdened with a cumbersome vibrato, and a nervous Boynton had insecure intonation, with moments of stridency.There were the expected Farr outbursts, such as an early conflagration of log drums, but this was a score that knew the value of reticence, signing off with sighing voices that float away on orchestral gossamer.After the interval, Tecwyn Evans, who had been a maestro molto simpatico for Farr, inspired his players to give their rip-roaring all in the complete ballet score for Manuel de Falla's The Three-Cornered Hat.Again, we had the exotic, setting off with a fiery Boynton, thundering timpani, quivering castanets and orchestral players making with the hand-claps and "Ole"s.I doubt if the APO has ever played more vividly but was I alone in feeling that Henare's running commentary, although carried off with the snap and sparkle of a skilled thespian, was ultimately a distraction from evocations already in the score?

Cloverfield sets monster record in US

'Cloverfield' has become the first monster hit of 2008 after making $41m (€28m) in the US last weekend, a record opening for January according to studio estimates.
Watch an extended clip from 'Cloverfield' here.
The tale of a giant reptile causing chaos in New York City surpassed the $35.9m premiere weekend of the 'Star Wars' special edition in 1997, the previous best for January.
Featuring a cast of unknowns, 'Cloverfield' tells its monster story from the perspective of a partygoer's hand-held video camera, which captures the mayhem as the creature tears through the city.
The film benefited from cryptic marketing that sent moviegoers on a scavenger hunt to decode clues about the movie's plot, images and even its title, which was not confirmed until shortly before its release.
'Cloverfield' is released in Ireland on 1 February.

Dustin makes his debut in Belgrade

Ireland's Eurovision hopeful Dustin the Turkey had his first rehearsal in the Belgrade Arena today.
The turkey rehearsed 'Irelande Douze Pointe' three times and later took part in his first press conference for the international media.
To watch Dustin's special acoustic performance of 'Irelande Douze Pointe' on 'WE tv's web-only show, click here.
It is reported that members of the press were very impressed with Dustin and that his brand of humour travelled well.
At today's rehearsal, Dustin was reunited with Polish contestant Isis Gee, whom he met on 'The Late Late Show' recently.
Of their encounter today, he said: "Isis Gee wants to share a room with me, but when I saw it wasn't bunk beds I wasn't happy to share."
Tomorrow Dustin will be accompanied by other members of the Irish delegation to an Irish bar in Belgrade but must be home in bed by 9pm.

Lindsay Lohan - Lohans Mum Sister Lindsays No Lesbian

LINDSAY LOHAN's mother and sister have laughed off reports the actress is gay, insisting the rumour is just the latest in the long line of silly stories the press fire at the family.

The Mean Girls star has been linked romantically to pal Samantha Ronson for some time and now Dina and Ali Lohan are speaking out about the lesbian gossip.

In an interview to promote her new reality show, Living Lohan, Dina tells TV show Extra, "Samantha's an amazing girl," while Ali adds, "They're best friends. They're just friends. It's pathetic what people say."

Dina explains, "It's so silly. We actually laugh about it now. It really does hurt... but you develop a thick skin. You have to ignore it."

The interview ended abruptly when Extra reporter A.J. Calloway asked Dina about her relationship with her estranged husband - and Lindsay's father - Michael. The family publicist objected to the personal question and ended the chat.

See Also